Service and Maintenance

A strong team of 7 highly skilled technicians and 4 service cars ensure the warranty and post-warranty service
and maintenance for both the Hungarian region and the represented countries.
In addition we also manage repairs, alterations and refurbishing of other manufacturers’ products.

We provide the following services for our customers:

1. Maintenance

A strong team of 7 highly skilled technicians and 4 service cars ensure the warranty and post-warranty service and maintenance for both the Hungarian region and the represented countries. In addition we also manage repairs, alterations and refurbishing of other manufacturers’ products.

2. Used equipment sale

To answer our client’s request we also sell refurbished equipment that are tested and required to undergo renovations so they could operate for years to come.

3. Refurbishing services

Older equipment can be restored to nearly new condition.

4. Tantalum repair


standard tantalum disc
Enamel faults are repaired with prefabricated tantalum discs, so the devices can be used safely again.

custom made tantalum disc
If the enamel fault’s size or shape requires more attention, it may be repaired with custom made tantalum discs.



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